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A Litany of Love

A Prayer Litany by Survivors and Family Members
A Free Booklet

Come pray with survivors, family members and others who have gathered with Spirit Fire to pray for all who are wounded by the tragedy of abuse that has transpired in and beyond our Church. With this free booklet, you or your group may add your voices to a prayer service which evolved with input from many people over many years, since first offered by survivors in 2017.


Just let us know where to send your free copy for reflection and prayer.

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A Litany of Love

From 2017 when a hundred survivors and friends met by telephone conference call to pray together, this litany has been enriched with the input of many people who have joined together to pray for survivors of clergy abuse, their families, friends, clergy and ministries, schools, parishes, dioceses, as well as the whole Church and communities beyond the Church -- wherever abuse has caused harm and where grace can reach to bring consolation, healing, and hope.

Would your parish or group like to offer a prayer service in the wake of abuse scandals in our Church?

Would you like to add this prayer to your private litany?

Request your free copy below.

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