By Teresa Pitt Green
Retreats for Survivors
Spirit Fire retreats for survivors and loved ones can be in person or online or by phone, may span a few days or several months, and, while are sometimes in traditional retreat groups, are most often in small groups, for couples or families, or individuals.
Home Retreat
For those of you at home wanting to attend a retreat for survivors, here are transcripts from several different prayerful days spent reflecting on the role of storytelling, Scripture and Catholic traditions in the process of recovering from sexual abuse by clergy and others with authority.
Links to Come. Meanwhile, if you see something for which you'd like a copy, just drop a note via Contact.
Wounded Healers: Christ-Centered Healing & Hope After Child Sexual Abuse
Prayerful day of reflecting on the role of storytelling, Scripture and Catholic traditions in a trauma-informed Christian witness and ministry. For a mixed audience, including survivors, family members, priests, sisters and other ordained and lay Catholic ministers.
Retreat offered during the Year of Mercy by Rev. Lewis S. Fiorelli, OSFS, and Teresa Pitt Green for survivors, family members and support persons with mix of reflections, guided mediation, prayer and group discussions leading to a basket of prayers and intentions included during the clo33sing service, Arlington, VA, October 2015. Partial transcript only.
Choices in Healing: Spiritual Journeys After Sexual Abuse
Retreat offered by Rev. Lewis S. Fiorelli, OSFS, and Teresa Pitt Green for survivors and family members covering the difficult question “why,” issues of safety, emotional boulders and simplifying life; Arlington, VA, September 2013. Transcript.